Become Lethal Lash Ambassador
If you already Love our Products we would like you to Represent our products and share that with others
Benefits to you are:
*Discount % on all Lethal Lash Products
*All new products, and products in the development stage will be sent to you free of charge to try, and give honest feedback.
* You maybe asked to Represent Lethal Lashes products at Events or Functions, or asked to show off your lash techniques.
To Qualify:
*You will be required to promote Lethal Lashes products where ever you see an opportunity
* Must only use Lethal Lashes products
*Create positive & helpful information about our products
*Refer other lash techs to use our products when you see posts or comments
* Must tag Posts on all social media, using tags and credits, and / or names of products in your photos or posts such as #LethalLashes #LethalLashesProducts
Website Link to direct interested lash techs to our product page is
We want you to be excited about our products and how much they help you in your business.
To be Accepted:
*Tell me which social media accounts you have and will be using provide links
*Use #LethalLashProducts or #LethalLashes
Now to be recognized as I will be searching for you!
*at anytime we have to right to revoke this rank if we feel you are not representing our brand